Historical Events
Historical Events
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      Beijing ICAS International Sports and Culture Development Co., Ltd. was founded in Beijing in October 2018 in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations.     
      We are dedicated to holding various international amateur and professional sports events, sports seminars and trainings in China and other countries around the world. We are  bridge for Chinese and foreign athletes to conduct sports exchanges and enhance their friendship.  
      Beijing ICAS International Sport and Culture Development Co., Ltd. is also the representative office of the International Council of Amateur Sports (ICAS) in China and represents its all sport activities in China.  
      Here, you can learn about various sports events organized by ICAS CHINA and ICAS, the latest news about our sports events and our organization.

International Pickleball Tournament “BEESOUL CUP” Sanya2024 & Pickleball Master S7(Sanya Station) organized by Beijing ICAS International Sports and Culture Development Company, Sanya Tennis Associ...
As a part of the second International Tennis Tournament "Sanya Cup" 2024-Beach tennis Tournament was held at the Dadonghai Bay of Sanya on November 7, 2024. More than 100 players took part in the e...
The International Beach Tennis Tournament  will be held in Sanya,    november, 2025.   
The International Tennis Tournament "ODEA Cup" will held in Yiwu,  Zhejiang Provence, China from Sep.29 to  Oct. 8 , 2025. Welcome to register!!
As a part of the second International Tennis Tournament "Sanya Cup" 2024-Beach tennis Tournament was held at the Dadonghai Bay of Sanya on November 7, 2024. More than 100 players took part in the e...
International Pickleball Tournament “BEESOUL CUP” Sanya2024 & Pickleball Master S7(Sanya Station) organized by Beijing ICAS International Sports and Culture Development Company, Sanya Tennis Associ...
International Pickleball Tournament of SCO counties “JOOLA CUP”is successfully concluded at Xinxing Huiquan Tennis center . 64 pickball players from five SCO countries, including China, Russia, Aze...
International Tennis Team Tournament  of  SCO Countries "PASSION Cup" concluded in Qingdao on June 7th .
Beijing ICAS International Sports and Culture Development Co. LTD

Contacts:MISS WEI TEL:15832178795  E-Mail:weina0611@163.com    Address:Building 28, No. 69 Yanfu Road, Fangshan District, Beijing